Glass may be personalised here in London by hand engraving. Initials, names, monogram, logo or a memorable date may be added to create a personal gift.
We suggest 5mm high Bodoni font (designed by Giambattista Bodoni in the late eighteenth century), which is shown here on a magnum decanter. This example shows the four initials of the owner. The first letter (L) sits on the neck and may be viewed by the drinker during the first pour. The following three initials reveal themselves in order as the decanter makes its journey from 'sober' through 'tipsy' to 'empty'.
When selecting text, we suggest that 'less is more' and we welcome your contact for guidance on where to position lettering to give the best result. Once you have selected your text, please let us know your instruction by our contact form or by email.
For options not shown in the pricing, please be in touch for a quote.
Please allow 3 weeks for delivery, from having your idea finalised. Returns or exchanges are not possible for engraved items.